Hey jammers! Today im going to post a list of SOME of the rares and betas in jamma. Enjoy!
Clothing items:
Rare spike:
Rare spikes are very valuable to jammers. Jammers that own one of these often would like an over trade. In my opinion they are awesome! id love to have one, but sadly all I have is a non rare silver one. Spikes come in eight colours: blue, red, black, purple, orange, pink, yellow and orange.
Beta Creature Mask:
The creature masks where available in 2010 in Halloween. The beta is extremely rare, and hard to find. The beta version of the mask was:
Rare and Non Rare Headdress:
The non- rare head dresses were in stores twice and where available in:November 2010 - Winter 2011 and November 2011.
Founders Hat:
The founders hat is a yellow and white top hat. It only costed 40 gems when it was avalable to buy.
New Year's Party Hat:
Den items:
The Claw:
The claw was a normal claw that sometimes allows you to win phantom plushies, it is uncommon to find one at the moment bat are becoming rarer. The claw was a monthly member gift and was also the 2nd monthly member give that was given out.
New Year's Party Hat: