Wednesday 1 October 2014

Rant: Jammers that hate members

Hey guys! i'm sorry i haven't been on lately a lot of stressful things are happening right now and i haven't been playing AJ as much as i would have liked to. Anyways... getting down to business!


Ive seen some horrible people in the diamond shop lately trying to get AJ to get rid of the diamond shop. They where two sides "The Black" (the people that hate it) and "The White" (the people that liked it) They where so mean to other people that where just buying stuff and then leaving. I hope that those people understand that paying for membership keeps Animal Jam from shutting down so if there was no membership there would be no animal jam. Some people *facepalms* they piss me off to no end. Anyways, thats all i have for this rant becuase i dont want to get into detail of everything.
Untill next time. 

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